May 31Liked by Rick Foerster

Thank you for this open-hearted approach to work. I can feel your readiness to be both vulnerable and honest about what you learned in what sounds like a demanding career.

I'm curious. Which is a great sign.

"First, I wrote everything down about every aspect of my work - guides, playbooks, and processes. It was an ongoing joke how most of the shared drive had my name as the owner. Writing it down not only made it easier to hand work off, but the act of writing helped me deconstruct a process from something abstract to something we could deliver on repeatedly." This is very encouraging to me, as I have this tendency. You're giving me a vision for how writing my processes down prepares me to hand them off.

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Thank you for your feedback, Rebecca!

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May 22Liked by Rick Foerster

Outstanding management advice: both organization-centered and people-centered.

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