RIGHT ON! I've been doing the circuits you mentioned about achievement all my life, but not good enough per their yardstick. Now I'm 80 years old and have dropped off a lot from my list of lists. Never felt better to just throw out the bullcrap the experts told us we have to do. Your opinion = my sentiment about life. We do our best and call it a day. I don't measure myself by other's yardstick any more but still content that I've done my best and am loved by the only people that count. Find them.

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First, I'm very proud that my 40-ish year old self wrote something to resonate with an 80-year old. Thank you for stroking my ego!

Second, I think you get at something I didn't call out specifically in my essay... almost a "minimalism" throwing out all the junk (and then some) that doesn't really matter. And maybe even moving beyond achieving any of these at all, to focusing more on the abstract features of life that really bring us meaning. E.g. there is no way to "check off" the idea of loving and being loved (and that's a good thing).

Profound comment, thanks for sharing.

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